Saturday, June 18, 2011


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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Almost a year

Tak sangka rupanya dah lama sgt ibu x memblog megenai perihal puteri kesayangan ibu.. Hari ini 17 Oct Hanney buat magik dengan ibu, dengan sendiri nya hanney pandai bngun dan duduk sendiri dan Hanney pandai bangun berdiri sendiri. U are so brave, ibu proud of u dear.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Half a year age.

Hanney dah setengah tahun dah, terasa bagai baru semalam ibu mengandungkan Hanney. Sehingga hari ini Hanney tak pernah menyusahkan ibu, tidur dari malam hingga ke pagi tak jaga langsung.

Bila travel Hanney tak kisah duk dlm car seat cuma kalu long journey tu, bila dah lenguh Hanney mula la meronta2 minta ibu@ayah angkat.

Satu paling ibu tak tahan kalau bawa Hanney dalam stroller, duk kejap aje, pastu nanti menjerit (macam pakai microphone) minta di angkat. Everyone's loves you cutie pie Hanney Humaira.

She's 7 month

Masa pantas berlalu, pejam celik-pejam celik, anak ibu sekarang dah pun masuk usia 7 bulan. Gambar ni adalah gambar passport pertama Hanney, ibu nak bawa hanney jejalan p singapore.
Anak ibu sekrang ni dah makan solid food, selalu berebut laptop dengan ayah dan ibu.. kalau dengan papa(atuk) bukan main manja lagi. Hanney tahu atuk selalu manja kan dia sebab tu dia mengada!

Mean while ayah sibuk shutdown so terpaksa la kita jalan sendiri tanpa ayah menemani. Lepas ni ayah p dua org dengan ibu plop, Hanney duk dengan nenek k.

Hari ni Hanney dah mula menyulur, laju aje kedepan bila ada peluang. Hairband yg ibu letak pantas aje Hanney buang. Hanney dah makin berat, lenguh dukung.. cepatlah Hanney boleh jalan ye anakku..

Thursday, April 15, 2010

HH tido

Anak ibu semalam tido pukul 11 malam, bangun pagi ni dekat pukul 9, tidur semula dalam pukul 10.30, sekarang pukul 1.22PM belum bangun pun lagi.

Semalam baru ibu buat agreement dengan ayah, Kalau HH bangun malam ayah yang akan bangun buat kan susu utk HH, ibu tukang suap je..Tapi HH tak bangun langsung. Ishk2

HH punyer sleeping pattern sama je macam ayah dia..kalau dah tidur, lena se-lena-lena nya..

Tidur la HH, have a good rest.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Birthday ibu

12/April, adalah merupakan hari lahir ibu, Alhamdulillah tahun ini adalah merupakan tahun pertama ibu raikan hari lahir ibu dengan kehadiran puteri kesayangan ibu, Hanney Humaira.

Tahun ini ayah menghadiahkan ibu sebuah handbeg G*ess (i choosed it on my own) *wink. Dan ibu dapat satu lagi hadiah : iphone... hehehe hadiah ni ibu dapat dari Atuk Hanney.. Terima kasih papa..

Dan kepada sahabat2 yang tidak lupa mengucapkan Happy Birthday, baik melalui sms, facebuku dll, terima kasih yang tidak terhingga diucapkan, kerana membuatkan diriku begitu beharga.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


hh5, originally uploaded by edzuo.

Sometimes i wonder how would u be in the next 20 years, where will you stand, how do u look like.. who's the one that closed to u, i guarantee u ll be the most beautiful girl that i ve ever seen. i m sure u ll transform yourself to become the most adorable women. i believe that u ll achieve everything that everyone could ever ask for, because u have that courage Hanney, because i m the one who trained u, princess in making.

oh HH

IMG00315-20100405-1748.jpg, originally uploaded by edzuo.

Hari ni ckecilku sayang Hanney Humaira memutuskan rantai ibu *sobsob* rantai yang ayah belikan masa 1st anniversary :(( HH tak sengaja, HH main tarik2 pastu terputus...

Tak sampai hati plak nak marah bintang kesayangan ibu ni... Hari ni jugak HH dah mula buat sound baru.. ibu sendiri pun xreti nak ajuk apa yg HH bunyikan tu... tapi bunyinya cute sungguh. I ♥ u my lil' HH.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Bz with laptop

Bz with laptop, originally uploaded by edzuo.

This is how she pay attention wif her lappy

Hanney Humaira terkejut

originally uploaded by edzuo.

This photo was taken on the day that Moscow's been BOMB. Hanney was shocked to hear bout the news..

5 month old

April, means that my girl become's 5 (month). Her sleeping pattern has change, she prefer to sleep mengiring and the duration is totally longer then those previous month.

Most of the night Hanney ll go to bed around 11pm then she 'll only be wake's up around 7 in the morning. I m the happiest person of course.

Hanney's becomes so attracted with sounds instead of her long time fav- laptop and hp, but I xmind sharing those thing with my girl.

Day by day Hanney keep showing interest on learning. She can spend few hour with her lappy watching youtube channel that I choosed for her. She don't really go for cartoon@nursery rythm song, she's more on to educational channel.

Insteed of that I brought her, her very first book (real book- not a cloth book). I want her to start to love book. And yes Hanney shows her interest.

Her tiny lil teeth keep growing, sometimes when she gave a sweet smile we can see it clearly..

Hanney anakku, Ibu sayang padamu..

Monday, March 29, 2010

4 month development

A barrel of laughs

Even though crying is still Hanney strongest form of communication, she also developing her sense of humor during her fifth month. she start to laugh at pleasant surprises such as face appearing from underneath a blanket or a toy popping out of a box, provided it isn't too loud or startling.

Hanney enjoy hearing a variety of sounds and i don't need special toys or instruments to provide her. Simply click my tongue, whistle, or make animal noises — my baby will love it!

Exploring objects

Encourage baby Hanney to experiment and play with a variety of objects. Something as simple as a clean cloth diaper/cloth book might occupy her for several minutes. Watch her suck on it, hold it, and discover what happens when she scrunches it up.

Appreciation for a full range of colors

Babies see color from birth, but they have difficulty distinguishing similar tones, such as red and orange. (Babies can tell the difference between very different colors such as red, green, and yellow.) As a result, younger babies often prefer black and white or high-contrast patterns.

At Hanney's age, color differences become clearer, and she has started to distinguish between similar shades. Present her with a variety of colors in books, toys, and clothing. she likes it so much.

All babies are unique and meet their milestones at their own pace. For all what she is, for all what you are ibu wants you to know that i love you so much. I am the happiest person to hear you laugh. i want to her your laugh and share your tears as long as i live. You are Allah greatest gives to your parents. We love you, you are ours!

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Ooooohhh my lil Hanney dah mula dengan macam2 kerenah, she likes to salivating(blows bubbles with his mouth/blows raspberries). she loves to play with her musical toys, alot Lamaze and a camel is her most fav instead of lappy . She can hold his own bottle milk but cant tilt it when finished.So I dont actively encourage her to hold to avoid choking. She loves to suck her hands.
the worst part is Hanney starts to throwing a tantrum and starts kicking with double speed and energy whenever she angry, hungry or need a lift. Dear, pitty ibu sayang.. i m tired :) i always love u dear.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hanney in March

Dah lama ibu tidak menulis diruangan Hanney, kesibukan dengan pelbagai urusan membuatkan ibu hampir terlupa dengan blog Hanney.

Dengan masa yang terluang pagi ini, ibu ingin menulis sedikit perkembangan mengenai dirimu, anakku tersayang. Sebaik sahaja usia hanney genap 4 bulan hanney dah pun pandai meniarap, berat badan Hanney sekitar 7kg, berat tu, sampai ibu dan ayah tak larat nak mendukung Hanney terutamanya kalau kita berjalan2 di Mall. Tapi selalunya ibu jarang bawa Hanney sebab ibu tak mahu terlalu dedahkan Hanney dengan persekitaran yang tidak berapa sihat ini.

Just imagine, the other day i bring u to ikea (weekend) crowd, especially kat foodcourt, dengan bising nya yang teramat sangat + ayah need to que around 45 minutes semata2 untuk beli makanan. OMG.

Mesti ada yang tertanya2 kenapa tak pergi other place, the curvee ke...iikano ke utk makan, well, masa tu bonda Hanney rasa nak makan sweedish meatball heheheh... dan pada masa yang sama ibu tak nak dedahkan Hanney pada asap rokok dll pencemaran alam sekitar :))

Oh sebelum terlupa, on the 20th Feb yang lalu, Hanney telah dibawa untuk immunisasi (3bulan) di PCMC sekali lagi Hanney jumpa dengan Dr. Anthony. mengikut catitannya, berat Hanney masa tu 6.6kg, Length 63cm, Head circumference 41.5cm.

My Hanney dah pandai melangkah step by step, gelak terkekek2 bila diagah.

Hanney loves to explore new things everydah, Hanney dah tak tidur dalam buaian lagi, Hanney dah tidur dalam baby cot, Hanney dah tak terlalu attracted pada black n white tapi lebih tertarik kepada warna2 terang spt Hijau, pink, merah, pruple dll.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sekolah HH

Ini adalah antara sekolah elit negara.. Hanney make ur move!

PUTRAJAYA: Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, sebentar tadi mengumumkan 20 Sekolah Berprestasi Tinggi, membabitkan 10 sekolah berasrama penuh, empat sekolah menengah harian dan enam sekolah rendah seluruh negara.

Sekolah terbabit adalah:

Sekolah berasrama penuh:
1. Sekolah Tun Fatimah (STF), Johor Bahru
2. Sekolah Datuk Abdul Razak (SDAR), Seremban
3. Kolej Melayu Kuala Kangsar (KMKK), Perak
4. Sekolah Seri Puteri, Cyberjaya
5. Sekolah Menengah Sultan Abdul Halim, Kedah
6. Kolej Tunku Kurshiah (TKC), Seremban
7. Kolej Islam Sultan Alam Shah, Klang
8. Sekolah Menengah Sains Tuanku Syed Putra, Perlis
9. Sekolah Sultan Alam Shah, Putrajaya
10. Sekolah Menengah Sains Muzaffar Syah , Melaka

Sekolah menengah harian:
1. Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Perempuan Sri Aman, Petaling Jaya
2. Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Aminuddin Baki, Kuala Lumpur
3. Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Sultanah Asma, Kedah
4. Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (P) St George, Pulau Pinang

Sekolah rendah:
1. Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Bintang utara, Kuala Lumpur
2. Sekolah Kebangsaan Zainab (2) Kota Bharu, Kelantan
3. Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Tun Dr Ismail 1, Kuala Lumpur
4. Sekolah Convent Kota Taiping, Perak
5. Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Damansara, Kuala Lumpur
6. Sekolah Kebangsaan Bandar Baru Uda 2, Johor Bahru

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

At 2 month old

This is the most exciting time as my Hanney's approaches the three-month mark. She is spending much more time awake, and she's ready to explore her world in a more active way. String at her bright colour soft toys, and she had discover how to attract at colourful.

Hanney's talk
My baby starts to love the sound of his own voice. her repertories may include sounds of 'l', ‘n’, 'm', 'p', and 'b'. And the most interesting part is she's really enjoying her Laptop Alif Baa Taa session- sampai ketawa terkekeh2.

She will react to familiar situations, such as bathtime or feedtime, with delighted coos.

She's becoming a good listener, too. She will turn her head towards the sound of my voice. Shake a rattle out of sight and she will pause and turn her head towards the sound.

Memories are made of this
She's beginning to anticipate future events. In the early days, she would cry with hunger until my breast or her bottle was placed in his mouth. Now, she reacts as soon as she sees the bottle or breast. She is also starting to remember objects that are out of sight.

Take her toy away and her eyes will follow it, then stare at the spot where it was last seen. She remembers the rattle, but doesn't yet know that looking won't bring it back.

Learning curve
These are just some of the other things she's busy learning:

* How to use her hands.
They are now open for most of the time and she uses them actively, to explore her world

* How to reach out and grasp for an object

* How to shift his weight when she's on his tummy, setting one arm free to reach out

* Things to do

* Babbling

* Reaching attactive colour etc

Thats all Hanney's milestone for now, actually banyak lagi tapi ibu Hanney bz skrang..

Monday, December 21, 2009

Learning Theory 4 month old child

Apple and Orange Experiment

With your right hand, show your baby a red apple from about 8 to 10 inches from her eyes. Say, “Apple, apple, apple.” Then let her touch the apple, and say, “Apple.” Bring it near her nose and allow her to smell it, and say, “Apple.”

Do this apple experiment at least three times in two minutes, then repeat it three more times during the waking hours. Do this for three days.

On the fourth day, show her an Orange on your left hand. Repeat the same method as you did with the apple. Do it four times a day for three days.

On the seventh day, show the apple on your right hand and the orange on the left, from about 10 inches from her eyes. Make a space of about 8 inches apart between the two fruits.

Then say, “Where is the apple?” Observe her eyes and hands. See if she will look consistently at the apple every time you say, “Where is the apple?”

If you think she got it right, switch the apple and the orange. The apple should be on your left hand. Ask again, “Where is the apple?” If she looks at the left hand where the apple is, that means she knows the appearance of the apple and the sound associated with it.

You can start this experiment when your baby is as young as 4 months old.

It might about 2 to 4 weeks for your baby to know which is the apple or the orange.

Petua anak pintar

Ini adalah antara amalan dan petua yang ibu jumpa dan sedang (InsyaAllah) akan sentiasa ibu amalkan untuk HH:

1. Setiap malam apabila anak tidur hendaklah kita wiridkan Ya Latif ke umbun2 kepalanya sebanyak yg mungkin atau memadai 100 kali.

2. Bercakap-cakaplah dengan anak ketika dia sedang tidur dengan menyeru kepada nama penuhnya berbinkan atau berbintikan kepada kita sebagai ibu kandung mereka. Percakapan itu hendaklah berupa nasihat, pujian dan berceritalah tentang perasaan kasih sayang kerana sesungguhnya percakapan kita kepada anak yg sedang tidur itu sangatlah bekesan kepada jiwa dan rohnya.

45 days Hanney

Semalam pada 20hb 12 2009, Hanney Humaira telah diadakan majlis aqikah dan cukur jambul HH. Hanney sikit pun tidak menangis sepanjang berlangsungnya majlis. Tok wan pegang Hanney sementara ayah menjadi pembawa dulang (untuk meletak@menggunting rambut HH). Hari ini juga adalah merupakan hari ulang tahun kelahiran Tok wan HH yang ke 56 tahun. Kira-kira 70 jemputn hadir pada majlis kesyukuran-akikah-cukur jambul tersebut. Doorgift yang ibu sediakan pun licin, habis diberikan kepada tetamu yang hadir. Kandungan door gift itu hanyalah sebiji telur, bunga rampai dan 2 biji kurma. semoga Allah merahmati HH dan papa(Tok Wan).